2019 - Aldo Benito - Vocalcoaching - Madrid
2015 – Pat Fraley online Voice Overcourses
2011 – Acting - Cours Jean-LaurentCochet Paris
2010 – Voice over training –Coaching Voix-off School Paris
Preamp : Manley Core
Digital interface : RME FirefaceUC
Cables : Vovox
Headphones : BeyerdynamicDT 770
Source Connect ID : francoisfrenchvo
Screens : designed for synched works - ViewSonic 34"LED VP348 and SamsungGalaxy Tab S7
Internet connection : 600/600Mbps fiber-optic
Audio interface: Focusrite scarlett
- Speech Academy Winterthur class 2019/20
- Tutoring from several Swiss and German Voice Actors
- Linklater-Method Acting course
Universal Audio Apollo Twin Interface
- Scuola di Teatro Dimitri (Switzerland)
- London Film School (UK)
- DFFB (Berlin, Germany)
- Acting-workshop with Seymour Cassel (Internationale Filmschule Köln IFS)
Audio Interface: Antelope Discrete 8
External equalizer and compressor: Filtek MK3 a, Filtek BKE 3
Plugins: Acustica Audio, Izotope, Fabfilter, Waves