Voice Details
A global voice since 2005, I was with a London agency for many years but went indepedent in 2016. As a trained actor I did refresher acting training during the Covid lockdown periods - Method Acting refresher with Brian Timoney.
Voice training: 2005 and ongoing) constant upskilling by contributing to professional training from experts in the voice industry, through membership of professional organisations (Spotlight, Equity, Gravy For the Brain, The Voice Over Network).
Genre training: intensive audiobook workshops and personal mentoring with US-based coach PJ Ochlan; narrative VO personal training with Dian Perry; gaming voice training workshops with Dave Fennoy and Randall Ryan 2018-22.
Sound studio operations training with ex-BBC sound-engineer and techical coach Roger Woos, UK.
Interface is Focusrite Scarlett 2nd generation 6i6 plugged into the mic using Van Damme quad-core XR cabling, all run through an iMac. DAW is external to the whisper room but within the larger room containing the booth.