Michelle Barreto

Brasil, Portuguese Voice Actor – São Paulo, Brazil

Voice Details

Young Adult
Audiobook, Audioguide, Commercial, Corporate-Video, Documentary, Elearning, Explainer-Video, Moderation, Museum Guide, Telephone / IVR, Voice-Over


hire this artist to get in touch
+49 30 555 75978
+49 30 555 75978


Michelle Barreto is a brazilian actress and director based in São Paulo. Bachelor in Scenic Arts by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and Technician in Dramatic Arts by CEFAR (Artistic Formation Center / Clóvis Salgado Foundation) both in Brazil. In 2013 was award nominated for the Best Actress on Sinparc's Prize for his work on the theater play. I acted in several films and theatrical shows.

With a home studio and fluent Portuguese, English and Spanish, I work with voiceovers for various segments and serving clients such as LG, Grupo Cimed, Via Varejo, Casas Bahia, Guaraná Antárctica, Grendene, NorthStar, Instituto Glória, Instituto Goethe, Eva Filmes, Y Midia, among others.


Behringher C1

Voice Samples

Commercial for Quick Step
Commercial for Festival Durante
Commercial for Grendene
Elearning, Explainer-Video for LG
Commercial for Guaraná Antártica
Corporate-Video, Explainer-Video for Casas Bahia, Via Varejo
Audiobook for Ruidouro Audio


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