Meine natürliche Stimme klingt freundlich warm, kann aber auch dramatisch engagiert oder kindlich fein klingen....

Young adult to middle aged versatile voice, adapted to vitalize multimedia and corporate contents, or to give a serious but current tone to your narrations.n n François has developped his ability to play various characters which allows him to find the perfect voice for projects...

"Ist das wirklich deine Stimme?!" - .. Sie können sich gar nicht vorstellen, wie oft ich diesen Satz schon gehört habe - und jedes Mal freue ich mich, wenn ich Menschen mit der Wandelbarkeit meiner Stimme beeindrucken kann. n n Meine Stimme reicht vom Teenager...

It's a very warm, clear voice suitable for multiple scenarios: documentary, e-learning, educational, cartoon, cinema, etc. My range goes from that of a child voices to the one of a mature woman. I am a native bilingual in French and in English ....

Fabio Matsuoka es locutor, actor y actor de doblaje. n Es actualmente la voz oficial del canal History Channel 2 , el H2 en Brasil.n Profesional de la voz desde el año 2009, se graduó en Publicidad y Marketing por la ESPM.n Comenzó sus estudios...

I work as speaker and dubber since more then 5 years in different fields: dubbing, Audiobook, commercial, radio, voice-over for video and Documentarys, e-learning.n I have a big vocal range, my strengths are expressiveness, flexibility and character.n n (Lavoro come speaker e doppiatrice da più...

professional voiceover actress for audiovisual projects of all types: n n internet, TV, radio, narration, from video games to dubbing, from on-hold telephone messages to Jingle, from promos to commercials. n n - clear voice, with a distinctive grain that is both elegant and warm.n...

La mia voce può prestarsi bene alla realizzazione di spot pubblicitari, letture istituzionali, voice over per documentari ma anche per caratterizzazioni nei vari dialetti, dal Toscano al Romanesco, dal napoletano al Siciliano.n Più avanti pubblicherò alcune caratterizzazioni e personaggi....

Voci femminili: dai 5 ai 30 anni.n Voce bambino fino a 7 annin Oltre a caratterizzazioni, voce bambini e bambine cartoon!...