Mathieu Thomas
voix-off homme de 43ans, doté d'un timbre médium-graven locutor de 43 anos con estudio personaln n Micro Neumann TLM49n hOME STUDIOn Acoustic cabine...
voix-off homme de 43ans, doté d'un timbre médium-graven locutor de 43 anos con estudio personaln n Micro Neumann TLM49n hOME STUDIOn Acoustic cabine...
Locutora para Audioguías, documentales, publicidad, doblaje.n Cantante contralto/mezzo sopranon Voz infantil italiano/castellano/inglés...
Ever since she was young, Marielle has always aspired to use her voice as a way to reach out and connect people. Having studied music through most of her formative years, her musicality shows in everything from her everyday speech to her commercial and character...
Maria Pendolino’s voice has been described as warm, friendly, relatable, conversational and sassy. The foundation of Maria’s voice work comes from her years of training and experience as an actor in film, television and on the stage as a talented musical theatre performer.n n Maria’s...
Meine Stimme präsentiert Ihr Anliegen glaubhaft und interessant. Ich biete akzentfreie Aussprache in angenehmer mittlerer Lage....
36, with over 20 years of experience as a VO Talent. n Singer, presenter, master of ceremonies. n Graduated in Advertising. n With availability for recordings spots, Jingle, commercials, audiovisual, e-learning, presentations, videos, games, caricatured voices, on hold / telephone, etc....
Una voce calda, dalle tonalità basse, intime e rassicuranti. ti confesso, non so separarmi per più di dieci minuti dal microfono. E' un amore di vecchia data, che ci volete fare...
Meine Stimme ist besonders anpassungsfähig, ich decke eine große Bandbreite ab! n n Von zart bis hart, bis hin zur Comedy & Comic-Stimme....