Ward Sexton's voice is heard around the world. Since 1982, he has voiced well over 20,000 productions, from movie trailers and promos, to industrial videos, Documentarys, games, and, well...

An American living permanently in England, I am comfortable voicing in either my native Transatlantic American accent or a British accent .n n A friendly, clear, assured, youthful, bright, fresh, energetic, quirky, soothing , caring, professioinal & conversational voice...

Voz femenina muy versátil: clara, juvenil, dulce, dinámica, cálida, profesional. Fácilmente modulable, para ser informativa, entretenida o divertida. Amplio rango de edad: voz para niño/niña, chica adolescente o mujer adulta. Bilingüe Inglés (USA) - Español (Castellano). Muchos acentos disponibles en Español (Castellano, Argentino, Mexicano, o...