With over 15 years of experience in Sound Production, Sound Service Creation, Composition I have been delivering high quality music solutions and voice over recording. I use professional studio equipment to meet your needs and I am extremely easy to work with....

1972 in Bottrop geboren, lebt in Köln n 186 cm groß, braunes Haar, blaue Augen...

Brazilian voice actor.n It's been more than 8 years Daniel is in the broadcasting, narration, and acting industry. Being that experienced, he is able to add a splash of life and personality to your project - whether in a low-pitched voice with a business approach,...

Tengo una voz cálida y agradable. Tengo matices juveniles y elegantes. Mi acento es español neutro sin influencias geográficas....

Dani Lloret locutor profesional con + de 25 años de experiencia, estúdio própio insonorizado con muy buena calidad de grabación y mucha experiencia en locuciones para todo el mundo ...

Dan Profir (aka Dan Profiroiu) former professional actor and director in Romania and France (1988-1992), perfectly trilingual in English, French and Romanian, settled in the UK in 1998 where he started his career as a professional Voice-Talent & Voice Coach.n n Dan has been a...

von sinnlich, warm bis jugendlich, frisch - sehr wandelbarn www.cornelia-waibel.de...

Meine Stimme ist recht dunkel und kraftvoll, warm und ruhig beim Sprechen von Texten, freundlich und burschikos beim moderieren. Durch meine jahrelange Erfahrung als Moderatorin und Nachrichtensprecherin kann ich Texte schnell auf den Punkt bringen....

Clear voice, fits specially on e-learning works, broadcast diffusion and voice overs. My actor skills helps me everyday in all kind of works, anyway. n n Voce chiara adatta particolarmente per opere di e-learning. diffusione radiofonica e voice over.n La capacità interpretativa attoriale tuttavia può...

My voice isn n serious, reassuring and explanatory for corporate, n smooth and professional for presentationsn warm for narrationn dynamic...