abwechslungsreiche Intonationn deutliche, nicht überspitzte Artikulation...

Angry, Announcer, Arrogant, Artistic, Authoritative, Bubbly, Charismatic, Cold, Concerned, Dangerous, Deep, Dopy, Dry / Sarcastic, Empathic, Energetic, Friendly, Fun, Glamorous, Happy, Husky, Informed, Innocent, Light, Luxurious / Smooth, Natural, Reassuring, Rich, Scary / Intimidating, Sexy, Soft / Gentle, Sophisticated, Street, Versatile, Warm, Whiny, Young...

My voice is described as warm, clear, reassuring but it can also be funny , young, classy with the possibility of various accents or characterizations....

Franziska Endres besitzt eine tiefe, warme und kräftige Stimme, die sehr vielseitig einsetzbar ist....

Eine Stimme mit dem gewissen Timbre. Zum einen kann sie sehr erzählerisch wirken, zum anderen wieder ganz sachlich und seriös. Diese Stimme ist geeignet sowohl als Erzählstimme als auch Voiceover oder Nachrichtenstimme....

Young adult to middle aged versatile voice, adapted to vitalize multimedia and corporate contents, or to give a serious but current tone to your narrations.n n François has developped his ability to play various characters which allows him to find the perfect voice for projects...

Voz masculina, grave, ágil, profunda, con la versatilidad de ser juvenil o adulto-joven, así lograr que su producto se escuche de la mejor forma. n n Voice-Over, Promotional, Corporate, Deep, Versatility. n n Warm voice, flexibility to do Promotional, smooth voiceovers, wide tonal range. n...

The higher level of communication is also the deeper one: the internal dialogue that makes the listener tell himself: "I believe it, I want it". A silent yet powerful voice within. Thus, communicating is nothing more than being able to enlighten it.n n Francesco Ventura....