Jay Forges

German Voice Actor – Berlin, Germany

Voice Details

Child, Teenager, Young Adult, Middle Age
Baritone, Tenor
Audiobook, Audioguide, Cartoon, Commercial, Corporate-Video, Documentary, Dubbing, Elearning, Explainer-Video, Moderation, Museum Guide, Other, Telephone / IVR, Trickvoice, Video-Game, Voice-Over


hire this artist to get in touch
+49 30 555 75978
+49 30 555 75978


-private acting lessons since age 6
-graduation with age 17
-while studying, I gained a lot of experiences in theater and low budget TV Shows
-worked as coach, moderator, account manager
-during this time I specialised my studies as voice actor
-graduation with age 26 as a professional voice actor


ARD/ZDF, Berliner Verlag, Kreuzberger-Musikalische-Aktion (KMA) Berlin, Theater des Westens and more, Vodafone


homestudio, external studio
Neuman TLM 102

-latest Ableton Live DAW
-MOTU M2 Interface
-Rhode Studioearphones

Voice Samples

Cartoon, Dubbing for KMA - copy the original to gain self-confidence, Zoomania Cover - How to Try and Learn
Cartoon, Dubbing for KMA - copy the attitude and express your confidence, Rango Cover - How to impressionate your own being
Audioguide, Explainer-Video, Telephone / IVR for Berliner Abendblatt - Ausschnitt, Berliner Kurier, Berliner Verlag
Telephone / IVR for Berliner Abendblatt - Ausschnitt IVR
Commercial for Cover of Allianz commercial
Audiobook, Cartoon for Diversity of animals - private client


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