Voice Details
Hi ,
I am an experienced (9+ Years) Hebrew Native Pro Male voice over artist ,
With an industry standard home studio and remote connectivity,Based in Berlin.
I have a B.A. in Communications (Israel 2013)
And VO training from a major IL studio (2014)
Gear list available, and assistance in localisation or translating HE-EN-HE.
Looking forward to working together.
Let's Talk!
The typical single chain is:
Tlm 103-> Isa one pre amp-> Audio fuse interface-> Mac M1 (Fanless) Machine, Reaper as DAW.
The well traded recording space is all wired with high quality cables to avoid any RF and all power is conditioned to avoid any ac hiss seeping into the recording.
Gear list available as separate file,
And studio pictures are available on my website.